Saturday, May 30, 2009

poems from the subway

couplet 1
Ride the train
Avoid the rain

couplet 2
Subway cars packed
Everyone trapped

couplet 3
Bottled water, coffee, Diet Coke
Thirsty riders in a rumbling boat

couplet 4
Woman reading recent best seller
I Love Lucy bag parked beside her

couplet 5
Whiney child dressed all in pink
Frazzled mommy cannot think

couplet 6
Large textbook is being read
Student aims to get ahead

couplet 7
Pizza box perched on young woman's knees
Easy taking corners - if you please

couplet 8
Little Tommy spies trains, he's happy to see them
Plans movie outing to Night at the Museum

couplet 9
Foreign languages overheard
Can't understand a single word

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